The very existence of man here on earth is still questioned not only by the philosophers but also by ordinary men. The purpose of continuous journey of every creature, was it resolve and defined? Or still clinging in every human's mind?
In the ancient times, there were already many attempts and postulates that were spoken and taught to every person's mind on how man exist and what we really are. Some of them even defined the word "man",In the english dictionary, man has been defined as a member of a race of erect, biped mammals, with a highly developed brain, having the powers to articulate speech, abstract reasoning and imagintion; regardless of where in eath they live.
But in the Bible, man has been stated as a being created from dust and given life by the breath of the GOD, created according to his likeness and goodness: which will then justify that man in nature is good and the only thing that makes him do evil is by man's ignorance and not by man's choice. Man was born like a blank sheath where in nothing is written to it. He will then possess knowledge through his experience with regards to his holistic completeness.
For some philosophers, GOD has been defined as a superior being: the mind of the world - the Universal reason. So with this, they believe that man's soul upon creation come's from the Universal reason.
" Soul exist even before the creation of the body. It has some functions and without the body, it cannot perform its functions. It voluntarily allows itself to be imprisoned in the person's body so that the soul can do its functions"
So with these words sited, it points out the reality that man has been planned to exist before it was created. The reality - refers to the world of phenomena -cannot be explained in details by philosophy nor science because some events are existing or happening for a reason where in even a single person don't know what's with this mystery glued in our life.
Man's existence comes with freedom, the freedom to chose your own life. Freedom is a gift, an essence within a man's heart. It is complementary to reason - one of the activities of human mind. Freedom is absolute and determined. Free under reasonable circumstances and not only by what we want to do. It is limited in terms of human reason's and desires as well as to its purposes on one's life. Choices are given to us and it depends to which choice we will grab. Choices doesn't exist without the decision, there is no decision without desire, there is no desire without need and there is no need without existence.
Therefore, our journey has been defined in million ways but still there is a thought , a precise one, that every being is looking for which leaves in every mind a clinging question that can never be answered except by the UNIVERSAL REASON.
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